Featured Magazines: December 2015
“‘Tis the season”!
If you are like me, you have been pouring over magazines, books and websites to find ideas for this holiday season!
I found numerous magazines in the library that have decorating ideas, craft & gift ideas and tantalizing recipes. Out of the multitude, 3 titles jumped out at me: “Better Homes & Gardens”, “Good Housekeeping” & “Vegetarian Times”.
They all have enticing recipes I could actually make. Plus cute, reasonable craft & gift ideas.
“Better Homes & Gardens” and “Good Housekeeping” include appealing decorating ideas as well!
“Vegetarian Times” not only has great recipes but they even have a recipe index in each magazine!
If you just can’t make in to the library to look at these magazines, “Vegetarian Times” and “Good Housekeeping” have current online access:
Vegetarian times
from 10/01/1996 to present in Health Source: Consumer Edition and MAS Ultra – School Edition
from 10/01/1997 to present in Alt-PressWatch and ProQuest Research Library
Good housekeeping (U.S. ed.)
from 01/01/1996 to present in MAS Ultra – School Edition
from 11/01/1996 to present in ProQuest Research Library
Have fun, eat well, and enjoy this Holiday Season!!