Book Review: How To Argue With A Cat
There I was minding my own business, sleeping peacefully, when my grandma’s cat jumped on the bed and punched me in the face. I am not exaggerating. Welcome to life with cats. Most people either love them or hate them. I am a lover of cats, as you may have noticed from my last couple of reviews.
Cat lovers know that you can’t argue with a cat. They rule the roost. Bow down to the kitty. When I came across the book How to Argue with a Cat by Jay Heinrichs, I was curious enough to see what he had to say. While the book is written for humans as a guide for persuasion technique, Mr. Heinrichs uses cats as a teaching tool. As an example, you should put someone in the mood to be persuaded by “purring.” In other words, put yourself in a pleasing, ingratiating mood. Then you must “provide a lap.” Make people believe you are putting their needs and interests first. Of course, you want to keep your claws retracted and don’t stick your butt in anyone’s face. (Okay, I added that one).
Since the author specializes in teaching persuasion, this book has several ideas that can be used immediately. The comparisons with cats were cute and funny. However, this book is for those seeking to communicate and persuade successfully. Cat lovers may find better reading elsewhere.